In term one we were doing stop motion, stop motion is like a movie we learnt that we had to start off with a story board before we get to taping it we have 3 choices
- White board
- Figures
- Clay
Me and shikarn made a script for our play so we know what we're gonna say here is what the script looks like: it's called jailbreak
Script Stop Motion
What on- Whiteboard
About jailbreak
Characters-Bfg Alex Samuel Steve Gerald the dragon and Ellie Guard.
Where- New york city
Narrator Nothing built can last forever and every story has a end. Such as four friends are stuck in prison for quite awhile there goal was to escape and go and save gerald the green dragon but there is a massive terror blocking the way The BFG (stands for Big Fat Grizzly Giant) Introducing Alex the smart one Samuel the one who thinks he’s brave but actually he isn't steve the attacker loves to attack his opponents now introducing Gerald the fat green puffy dragon who thinks he is confident and thinks a he has what it takes to rescue his friends who are locked away guarded by the BFG and the only one his size is is Gerald the dragon who thinks he can take on the BFG.
Alex: (screams)
Guard: what is it you girl
Alex where's Gerald my dragon
Guard you mean this little pip squeak is yours
Gerald. (munching on cookie) then smiles
Guard. yeah this dragon of yours was in the kitchen eating my cookies if I see him again I will inhalat this Gerald of yours understood
Steve sneaks up behind the guards and hits him over the head with a baseball bat and knocks him out. Right thats him out of the way now to get past the Giant steve tries to run past but
Bfg catches Steve and knocks him out with one smack
Gerald bites Bfg in the eye and comes tumbling down and smacks his head and gets knocked out. But then Bfg threw gerald and Gerald breaks his wings but still can fight Gerald picks steve up and goes to find the sell their friends are in. As they walk past they finally come to where there friends are quick Gerald knocks down the bars and lets Ellie out come on lets get of this mad place.
Guard groans what happened Huh escaped prisoners sound the alarm but then Gerald stopped time and ran as fast as he could then saw the button and made a trip wire and but one peralizing needle in guard then Gerald farted then stole key card then went back and played time. Gerald typed the numbers into the pad and the gates open slowly. The gate finally opened and Gerald said hope on my back Ellie quick the guards are coming Gerald leaped into the air and flew at full speed got out just in time. Where are we going said Elie we are going to my cave well be safe there. When they got to the cave Gerald set steve down.
We did a stop motion based on made up characters and characters by Ronald Dahl we enjoyed working on this script and I'm pretty sure you will to so I hope you enjoyed reading my post for today thanks